Once a Man….ONCE a child!

You may have heard the phrase ‘once a man, twice a child’, especially when dealing with a previously independent adult who now requires full-time attention by a caregiver. The theory of Retrogenesis suggests that as an adult enters old age, he/she may deteriorate, often as a result of debilitating illnesses, and reverts to a ‘childish state’. You may be inclined to say…that is so true especially if you visit the geriatric units of some hospitals or nursing homes today!

Let’s explore these questions for a minute. If an adult loses his/her cognitive and/or physical ability to perform their activities of daily living, does that make them a child?

If your spouse, parents or grandparents became totally dependent on family or health care workers for their daily sustenance, does that make them a child?
Sociology was my least favorite class during nursing school, needless to say, it was also the class that boasts my lowest grade! However, I am now able to appreciate how comparing the two sociological statuses, ‘ascribed and achieved status’ becomes applicable in this case.

When a child is born, he is involuntarily placed in a position that was neither earned or chosen (ascribed). He requires a full-time caregiver; to assist with nutritional needs, elimination needs, stimulation, and learning. As he grows, he becomes independent and learns how to care for himself. On the other hand, an elderly person may have earned several significant ‘achieved status’ during their lifetime. Typical examples include career paths (lawyers, politicians, etc.) and imply merits earned as a result of personal skills, abilities, and efforts.

Planning for long-term care needs is essential as you age. You can choose if you want to become a burden or have caregivers who consider it a privilege to care for you! Being totally dependent does not equate to being a child.
You can get the care you deserve while living and dying with dignity, self-worth, and respect!

Initiate the conversation with your loved ones today! Discuss your preferences for long-term care facilities (in-home vs nursing home), caregiver (family vs health care workers). Be aware of the cost associated with your preferences. Did you know, it can cost you an average of 292,000US for one-year private room nursing home? That cost varies per facility and per State. Do not wait until you cannot safely care for yourself or your loved one to start looking at your options.

We were designed to live an abundant life in good health, only you can make the decision to live a life free from the bondage of diseases.